Student Academic Progress
Tulare City Schools believes that communication between parents and teachers by means of a report card is essential to developing a positive partnership between home and school. Four years ago, Tulare City Schools took the first steps in moving from traditional to standards-based report cards (SBRC), in grades 1-6.
The purpose of standards-based report cards is to establish an equitable measure that clearly communicates student progress toward mastery of grade-level standards. It is our hope that an SBRC will provide more information to parents about their child’s progress and social development.
During the 2017-18 school year, we piloted the new standards-based report card on a limited basis, with full implementation across the district the following school year. This year, we revised our standards-based report card and the new documents are posted below.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the assistant superintendent of student services, at 600 N. Cherry, Tulare, CA 93274, (559) 685-7221 or the principal at your school.