Tulare City School District Office

Transportation & Operations Departments

A Message from Our Management Team

The primary goal of the Transportation Department at Tulare City School District is to provide the safest, most efficient and professional transportation service to our students and staff. Our drivers strive to meet this goal daily.

Tulare City School District operates 19 buses on daily routes. Six buses provide curb-to-curb transportation service for special education students. Our buses travel over 130,000 miles annually and transport an average of 3,500 students daily. In addition to the regular morning and afternoon routes, the district provides transportation services for various extra-curricular activities and sports trips.


Becoming a Professional School Bus Driver


Before a person can apply for a special driver certificate (school bus license) to drive a school bus, he or she is fingerprinted and must submit to a thorough background investigation conducted by the California Highway Patrol. The applicant may begin training before the background check is complete, however, he/she may not take any test administered by the California Highway Patrol until after the interview and background is complete and the applicant is cleared.

California’s school bus drivers receive more training than the majority of other bus drivers in the nation. Applicants for a special driver certificate must successfully complete a minimum of 20 hours of classroom instruction (covering Federal Regulations, California Vehicle Codes, California Code of Regulations and California Education Codes). They must also successfully complete a minimum of 20 hours of behind-the-wheel training to become completely competent and proficient in driving a school bus, as well as daily pre-trip inspection procedures of the bus. Applicants may not transport students until all training is complete and the applicant has successfully completed written and behind-the-wheel tests administered by the California Highway Patrol. Each year certified school bus drivers must receive at least ten hours of any type of training that is directly related to pupil transportation safety, and in the renewal year (every five years) the driver must successfully complete at least ten hours of classroom instruction (in addition to any other training received during the year).


Our Endeavor


Tulare City School District employs 30 certified school bus drivers with a total of over 250 combined years of school bus driving experience. Our school bus drivers focus on making positive, appropriate connections with students.

We proudly inform our community that we consistently score high on the California Highway Patrol safety inspections. 


We encourage you to browse the remainder of the Transportation Page on the side bar. There is some useful information in our Transportation safety Plan pertaining to the bus rules, seat belt laws, foggy day procedures and student escorting laws. We appreciate your support! 

Guidelines for Riding District Buses

Bus service is provided to students:

  • Who face hazardous walking conditions
  • In special education programs not offered at the neighborhood school
  • Whose families find themselves homeless


*Parents of students on an Intradistrict Agreement must provide their own transportation to and from school.

Transportation Staff
Please meet the amazing staff members who help to provide safe transportation for your child every single school day.
Transportation and Operations
(559) 467-0829
(559) 685-7224
& Dispatch
(559) 685-7393
Meet the TCSD Professional Bus Driver Staff: 
Gabriela Acevedo
Epifanio Acosta Jr
Paul Azevedo
Christine Calistro
Manuel Carrillo
Bernadette Cotton
David Delgado
Paul Garcia
Robert Gillum
David Hernandez
Brian Howard
Juan Jasso Mendez
Curtis Jenkins
Sandra Jimenez
Brian Jones
Pablo Lopez Castro
Daniel Magana
Matthew Martinez
Jorge Mejia Esquivias
Michelle Miller
Robert Moffett
Lorenzo Montecino
Chris Ortega
Michelle Rivera
Carlos Rosales
Ismael Rosales Jr. 
Megan Swaim
Meet the TCSD Mechanics: 
Antonio Vera
Head Mechanic
Renee Valladares
Head Mechanic
Kelsey Dawkins
A driver that violates Vehicle Code 22454 (a) must pay a fine of up to $695.00. A driver that passes a stopped school bus with flashing red signals will also receive one point on his California State driving record. ... Failure to appear, under California law, may be charged as a misdemeanor.