Tulare City School District Office

Alternative Education/Educational Options

We understand that some students have difficulty learning in a traditional school setting. However, we believe that, given the right support and opportunity, each student is capable of academic success. Below are programs we offer to assist students in being successful both in and out of school.


The Support School serves kindergarten through eighth-grade students who need a smaller educational setting with behavioral and/or social support. The goal of Support School is to build a community atmosphere that is highly academic and that places an emphasis on character development for students. Support Schools follows the District "Character Counts" model and integrates the daily structure's six pillars of character (respect, citizenship, caring, responsibility, fairness, and trustworthiness). In addition to emphasizing academic progress, we have designed our program to instill a sense of self-worth and accomplishment in our students and to help them develop positive behaviors both in and out of school. 


TCSD Parent/Guardian, you can enroll your child in the Tulare City School District’s Independent Study Program for the 2023-2024 school years.  Our Independent Study guidelines post-COVID-19 have changed a little to meet the guidelines set by state statute.  We will no longer offer Short-term, Mid-term, and Long-term options for Independent Study.  Our options for the 2023-2024 school year are as follows:

Short-Term Independent Study: This is for students who will not be able to attend in-person learning for a period of 3 to 14 school days. School administration oversees this independent study, and the work is gathered and corrected by the teacher of record upon the student’s return.

Long-Term Independent Study: Long-Term Independent Study is a year-long program that integrates independent and directed Zoom instruction. Independent study will have synchronous and asynchronous instruction.  TK-3 grades will have 1 hour of daily synchronous instruction and approximately 4 hours of asynchronous instruction.  4th-8th grade will have 1 hour of daily live interaction with a teacher and weekly synchronous instruction for 45 minutes.  In addition, a minimum of 4 hours per day of asynchronous instruction will be assigned. 
Students enrolled in this program must follow specific guidelines. If you have questions about this program, please contact Tara Houston at 559-685-7200.

 Bridge Program 
505 W. Maple
Tulare, CA 93274
(559) 685-7335
Bridge Program Team

Tara Houston
Director of Educational Options [email protected]
(559) 685-7200

Brice Sandri
Vice Principal  [email protected]
(559) 685-7200

Jennifer Marroquin 
Asst. Superintendent, Educational Services
[email protected] 
(559) 685-7200