Tulare City School District Office



At Tulare City School District, we believe that students learn science best when they are engaged in meaningful, hands-on activities and investigations and use age-appropriate language and vocabulary resources to address language development. The science curriculum and lab materials we use to satisfy those needs of our students.

In 2013, California adopted the newest science standards called the Next Generation Science Standards. The transition to the Next Generation Science Standards is continuing to happen at this time. For more information about the new standards, please visit the Next Generation Science Standards website. You may also read the NGSS Parent Guide provided.

TK–5th Grade Science

Transitional kindergarten through fifth-grade teachers and students use district adopted science curriculum Twig Science. Twig Science is a hands-on, collaborative, and digital science program aligned to the CA NGSS Science Framework. You are welcome to access on-line information at the publisher's website with the link on the left side of this page.

6th-8th Grade Science

Our middle school science course engages students and is exciting and fun. We learn and implement the methods and skills of real scientists. Using state-of-the-art lab equipment, we delve into earth, life, and physical science along with the engineering design process. Our board adopted middle school curriculum is Impact Science. Students will be using 21st-century skills and the NGSS Integrated Middle School Science Standards to learn science and how scientists and engineers work in the real world.

In addition to publishers’ materials, students in TK through 8th grades use Chromebooks, digital microscopy, and hand-held sensors to enhance their science education. We are currently using Google Apps for Educators in TK through 8th-grade science classrooms.



Christine Sperling 

Science Curriculum Specialist

(559) 685-7244

B.S. Liberal Studies, Fresno Pacific University

M.A. Curriculum, Fresno Pacific University

An educator since 2000